Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My PostPartum Wishlist

So I spend a lot of time watching TV as my 8 week old likes to nurse constantly, and also doesn't get good naps anywhere else but my lap. I see a lot of commercials and shows that recommend a lot of exercise equipment for in-home workouts. My compiled list of things I want to try:

I hope my husband gets a job soon lol

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sling Me!

Autumn sleeping in the Star Sling

Because I seem to have a very cuddly baby who loves to be swaddled I have been looking for a few good slings.

My friend Astrid let me borrow the Peanut Shell ( It is not like any I had ever tried before. It is made of fleece and basically reminds me of one of those Turtle Fur neck bands only way bigger. You put it over one shoulder (almost fits like a shawl) and there is some extra fabric up front to make space for the baby. I was able to nurse her in it while walking around TJ Maxx and also had dinner at Moe's when she was 9 days old very peacefully! She's getting a bit too heavy for it already though, at least to lay in it the traditional cradle way. I think when she can hold her head up firmly and is more stable over all she'll be able to ride in different positions in it.

My friend Jamie's friend Rachel (hehe) gave me a sling from Star Slings ( that is made of a denim type material. Its stronger, not flexible like the fleece one, and is shaped more like a regular sling. This one hurts my back less but it was hard for me to get Autumn in there in a position that she was comfortable in as well. There are no adjustable parts on this one either, so it was a matter of spinning it around my torso until it was just the right angle. She is now sleeping happily in it as I type. I can see this one being one I will reach for while doing housework and doing anything that requires 2 hands! I don't think I can nurse her easily in this one just yet. She is 5 weeks old today and I would estimate weighs about 11-12 lbs or more. She is growing fast!

I also have a Baby Bjorn that is on its 4th kid and a Snugli which I really wish I could use more often but they KILL my back. The Bjorn is best, and perhaps when Autumn is ready to face forward I will find it more comfortable but for now it has to be so high up on my chest that I need a massage after wearing it for more than 15 min or so!