Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Need an Intervention

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies EVER

That is, if you like yummy soft but crunchy-ish on the outside heavenly delight!

Since I can't write my blogs without putting in the babble that my brain is constantly rattling off, I have highlighted the important stuff in bold print ;-)

OK I hope no one is opposed to shortening here because it just doesn't work with butter!

Preheat your oven to 325 degrees!
First in one bowl dump 1 and 1/8 cup of flour. I use hippie whole wheat flour which makes it thicker, but you can use whatever you have laying around the house. Lighter flour makes them thinner. Next add 1/2 tsp salt (more if you like more), and 1/2 tsp baking soda. Or is it powder. The one in the box that's an odor absorber!!!! I can never remember the difference. Set this concoction aside for later.

In a mixing bowl plop 3/4 cup of shortening (butter FLAVORED is best if you have it, but regular is fine too) and then add 1/2 cup of light brown sugar and 3/4 cup white sugar. Sometimes I put in a whole cup of white sugar. I'm just crazy like that. If you want to change it up a bit and really taste heaven use Sugar in the Raw! YUMMY! If diamonds had a flavor they would taste like that sugar!!! Found in your hippie food aisle.

Using an electric mixer, combine these three things until blended. Next add a couple few eggs. If you have three, go for it. If you have two it will still work. Just makes them softer if you have more. Add to this 1 tsp vanilla extract and beat until the dough is doughy. Once its doughy enough slowly add the flour mixture until blended. If it seems too floppy add a bit more flour (Becca I am avoiding the "M" word just for you). Once you are satisfied with the texture throw in 2 cups of chocolate chips, chunks, or devlins. Whatever you have laying around! Stir these in with a big ol' spoon. Lick everything and then get two fresh spoons and drop them on the cookie sheets about an inch apart. No need to spray the sheets, the shortening will take care of that for you!

Bake for about 11 minutes. Remove and enjoy! Ok you may want to cool them a bit...

Here's a handy hint that I learned from the back of a Betty Crocker bag: to keep your batches from spreading make sure you cool the pans down in between dropping the dough on them! I just wave the pan around and if anyone walks in the way well, that's what I call collateral damage ;-)