I've had it with wearing sweatpants. From about the 7th month of my pregnancy (around mid July 2009) I became too large to comfortably wear jeans. Jeans were my secret obsession up until this baby. I literally owned close to 50 pairs all size 2 up to a size 9 (Juniors. HA HA yeah like that will happen ever again). See, before I got remarried in 2007 I was an average of 120 pounds at 5'7". Yeah, I was skinny. And I loved every minute of it.
Marriage plopped about 10 lb onto me. See, I have this ridiculously skinny husband who is one of those freaks of nature that can eat an entire pizza and lose 5 lb from the effort. At first, I was hoping I was also a freak of nature. Turns out I'm just a freak.
Next, I got pregnant. I tried to keep up my walking and was doing the Shred with my neighbor every single morning at 6:00am (walking was at 5:30am on those days). I managed to make it to 7 months pregnant with this exercise. Then my neighbor moved from right next door to about 5 miles away. Way inconvenient. I vowed to keep getting my sorry butt up at 5:30 to walk since it was summertime, but I was working full time and slowly all dissolved into laziness. I enjoyed sleeping an extra 1.5 hrs and then in the evenings I was so exhausted from being pregnant all day that I just sat on the couch and watched TV and then went to bed. Three months of that and I hit 186 lb by the time I gave birth. Oy.
When you are large and awkwardly shaped, sweatpants are about the only thing that fit you. And yoga pants, which are essentially snobby sweatpants with a convenient panel at the top that skinny people roll over to hold them up and fat (or pregnant) people can use to pull up over their belly to disguise embarrassing things that may hang out from under their shirts!
I am now 14 weeks postpartum, and let me tell you I am sick of my biggest clothing decision being "The black sweatpants today or the brown?"
Luckily I had a pair of Daisy Fuentes size 10 women's jeans that I had bought at Goodwill for this very occasion. I am not really a size 10 yet, more like a 12 or maybe a 14 I really have no clue. All I know is that I have only lost 10 lb since coming home from the hospital at 169 lb.
I dug through the Jean Graveyard in the back of my closet (essentially a large wicker hamper that houses my dreams and fantasies) and found my Fuentes. What I love about Daisy Fuentes is she is a curvy Hispanic (or is it Latina? Eh, whatev.) and she makes her jeans so that if at first you don't succeed getting them on, wiggle, jiggle, and try again! Eventually they will fit!
I got these bad boys up to the tops of my thighs and almost shed a tear in exhaustion. Then when I was about to give up a little voice in my head said, "Pull a little harder and wiggle to the right". POP! Up they went over my generous backside and WOO HOO I got them buttoned! I did the usual squat and contort that all us girls do when we are trying to "break in" a pair of stretch jeans. The moves that loosen them up in all the right places so that when we sit down we don't immediately SPROING back up again from the tension.
I wore them all day. I felt like a human being again. My husband started looking at me like he used to pre-pregnancy. I'm scared. :)
You looked awesome. :D