Friday, January 29, 2010

The Transformation Begins

So after much waffling back and forth about what to do my husband and I decided to trust in God and I quit my job. It was very difficult for many reasons, but I feel pretty good about it. I think. My husband is this close to getting a full time job that has health insurance. We haven't had insurance for me and 2 of my kids for about a month now. Scary. And in the course of that month those two kids have managed to get sick and/or fall down the stairs several times requiring sick visits and an ER run, all uninsured. I have indeed applied for State benefits concerning health care and food stamps but its absolutely insane what they make you go through. I applied a month ago and still have not gotten them every piece of paper they need to cover their asses when they finally help me out. I also am trying to get help through the hospital which is more expeditious than the Quest for the Holy Grail would be. Paperwork I didn't even know existed is needed for these and they let you know that if ANYTHING is left blank or missing a freaking cross on a "t" they will instantly reject you.

And so, beside all of that, I am now making the leap (and its quite a gap mind you) from Busy Worker Bee to Susie Homemaker. Wow what a different world. Yes, it is nice to not have to hear an alarm going off every morning (curiously I sleep right through Kris' alarm). And I can watch all the daytime TV I want (LOL furiously), and I have several hours during the day in which I can go where I want, do what I want, and eat what I want. I do feel like I'm playing hookey every single day. Like I'm not supposed to be here and that I am screwing off while everyone else is working hard.

BUT I am also doing dishes, laundry, vacuuming, nursing a baby about 8 times a day, changing diapers, cleaning up cat vomit, and TRYING TO COOK. I am going to be turning this blog into a place I can log my adventures in Cooking for Dummies and Housecleaning for ....Chumps? Dimwits? I entered "Dummy" into the search and came up with lots of not nice synonyms...sorry about that!!

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