Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Me, now

Pre-third kid

For the last few months I have been kind of not caring about my baby weight, yet at the same time beating myself up inside every time I stepped on the scale. As some of my long term friends may remember I used to be very thin and in fairly good tone. A sedentary job, a miscarriage at 11 weeks, and then a successful pregnancy later I am not what I used to be either mentally or physically. This is good in some ways, but also sad in others. I'm OK with not being a size 2 anymore. But I'm not OK with only losing 15 of the 50 lb left to lose after the baby was born EIGHT MONTHS AGO. I expected to hold on to maybe 10 or 15 lb but not 35.

Today I got onto the scale. Ugh. I try to only do it once every couple of weeks so I don't get too depressed...ignorance being bliss in this case. Again my weight has not budged since March. I take my measurements once a month also because I am insane. Oh and my body fat percentage too. Did I mention I used to work in a gym? Yeah I got a little obsessive. I'm only slightly obsessive now. Plus way lazier.

I decided to stop blindly eating whatever I want and take stock in what I am doing to myself. I got out the measuring cups, the scale (the food scale, not the meanie scale) and went to the Daily Plate to find out exactly why I am not losing any weight despite breastfeeding like mad (500+ calories burned daily supposedly) and walking 3-4 days a week for an hour at a time.

This is where the "Well, duh" comes in.

My breakfast has for many years consisted of Maypo (if you haven't tried are really missing out) which is high in vitamins, iron, and both kinds of fiber. A serving of Maypo has 180 calories. Not bad for a breakfast food. BUT in true Betsy fashion I can't just eat it plain. Even though its Maple flavored I still need more. SO I dump in chocolate chips. I used to use a 1/3 cup to measure. Hell I used to use my fists to measure but I figured I should tone down. After Autumn was born I started to cut down even more and used a 1/4 cup measure (heaping of course). Chocolate chips have 70 calories in 30 pieces. That's about 2-ish calories each. A 1/4 cup has about 164 calories. I know this because I counted them out individually and did MATH EEEEEEEW!!!! I also add about 1/4 cup of whatever percentage milk we have in the fridge to cool it down and make it extra yummy. So my breakfast is about 400 calories. Not great but its filling and I am not usually hungry until noon.

BUT I am also a daily cup a day coffee addict. And no, I don't drink that black. I like my coffee like I like my Maypo: Full of SUGAR!!! I just blindly dump in flavored creamer (Dulce de Leche mmmmmm) until it reaches the danger spill over zone. 1 tablespoon=35 calories. I figure that I must be dumping in what, 3 tablespoons? WRONG. I measured (using water) how much I am actually using. By my calculations (I wrote it out on paper and proved my work!) I am adding 220 calories to my 4 calorie coffee!! SIX tablespoons!!! SOOOO my breakfast in total is over 600 calories. How many of you out there take creamer with YOUR coffee? I'm going to keep my tablespoon measure next to the coffee pot from now on.

Just this small bit of measuring really opened my eyes to what is wrong with my diet and how my perception of serving size is way off. I really think that they should teach more in school about things like what a tablespoon, a cup, a gram, and an ounce look like. Obesity is now epidemic in several parts of the world, and I think we need Food Education just as badly as we need Sex Education. And also, just as we as parents should be talking to our kids about the birds and the bees we should be talking to them (and demonstrating) about the chips and the fries.


  1. I have been loving for keeping track of my nutrition and exercise. It's free, just like The Daily Plate... I forget if they have special "plans" for nursing moms. Anyhow, it's very motivating, and there are message boards and teams for an extra push..

    With Philip's diabetes, we have been measuring everything, and it is a wake up call about portions sometimes!

  2. Sparkpeople does not have a nursing plan. you have to go to a separate website that is mainly for pregnant me I checked it out when you first mentioned it!!! I will probably use it when I get done nursing. Daily Plate used to be awesome but now its all "Livestrong" crap and takes my computer forever to load so I'm just keeping a food diary and forcing myself to make time to walk every day. My biggest problem is not how I look in jeans, its how my joints ache and pop and my feet are killing me all the time. I know that is the weight.

    So are you changing how the whole family is eating now that you have to keep Philip on a regimen?

  3. As a longtime off and on Weightwatcher member, I can attest to the fact that the WW program is all about serving size and much less about calories now. They have lots of tips on their website, even if you're not a member. Like one cup is the size of a tennis ball; one teaspoon the size of the first joint on your pointy finger, a tablespoon is your thumb from tip to base...I'm trying to learn as I go. It's hard to remember though. I'm sure that now you've had this breakthrough you'll probably start losing weight like mad! Love, Mom

  4. Let's hope, Mom, let's hope. I would be happy to just lose 5 lb a month so maybe one of my skirts would fit lol My coffee tasted like CRAP without all that cream darnit!!

    I will check out their website maybe I can use some of the tips. I'm looking forward to the week that Alicia is at camp and not Alex so I can take actual walks with him and baby!!!
