Monday, May 10, 2010

Straying From the Norm---Smart or Just Plain Crazy?

Since I am plugged into Facebook/Internet for the better part of my waking moments due to marathon nursing sessions I came across a "fan page" or "group" called "Pampers: Bring back the old Cruisers/Swaddlers!!!"

This piqued my interest since I LOVED the box of Swaddlers that one of my husband's relatives sent us a few months ago. So soft, absorbent, felt like a blankie on both inside and out, and didn't give her red marks. As I read some of the posts and looked at some of the pictures of burned baby booty I started to get a little freaked out. I read more on this subject of Pampers switching how they make these diapers (now with an added feature called Dry Max) which seems to be causing much discomfort to many babies. They are made by Proctor and Gamble, who also make the cheaper version called Luvs.

I use Luvs, as I am cheap. I had noticed that her little butt crack would get red for no good reason. I am exclusively breastfeeding her as she HATES baby food right now so its not a new food (except maybe for Dill Pickles but that's another blog). The only new thing lately is she has been on antibiotics for an ear infection. But this redness (its not even a rash really) has been going on longer.

After doing quite a lot of reading something in me snapped and I ordered a set of cloth diapers, wipes, and covers. They shipped that same day (Saturday) and arrived on Monday! I set them up around me and looked at them. Now what?? When I first had kids, the thought of cloth diapering turned me OFF! All I could think was GROSS! I just pictured having to fight the kid to pin on some odd shaped piece of cloth and then everytime they peed I figured it would get all over and be nasty!

Let me just say, THANK YOU GOD FOR YOUTUBE!!! I usually don't have much use for YouTube anymore but wow you can seriously find an educational video on ANYTHING!!! Here's the link for how to fold a cloth diaper just like the kind I bought!!

My stash^

What I bought is:
Where I bought it from is Green Mountain Diapers

I am not so hardcore, however, that I will never use disposables. Until I am more used to it and she is eating solids more she will be wearing either Huggies Naturals or Seventh Generations for bedtime and when we go out.

First attempt at using the Prefold with the Snappi

With the Bummi cover on

Wearing a Seventh Generation Diaper. You can see the redness on her thigh (left in the picture) from wearing the other diapers (Luvs).

So far she has only peed in them...

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