Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Cinderella Secret Workout #1 -- Abs

Today was a day that I had to mop. I hate mopping. Well, I don't hate the act itself, but I hate that as soon as it is done it needs to be done again!!! Mopping is also a 4 or 5 step process in my house with the three kids and 2 cats and all. Its sweep, vacuum, sweep, vacuum, and then if I'm not distracted by something shiny then the actual wet mop soaked in disinfectant happens.

Today is my 18th day of using the Wii Fit Plus system that I got for Christmas. Shockingly it has actually helped me out. I haven't lost any weight (I actually think I gained about 4 lb LOL) but it has done what expensive physical therapy would have done. It has helped me strengthen my puny muscles enough so that I am actually able to bend at the knee without having to pop a Vicodin. I hate taking pain meds so I am all for whatever else works. Using it also gives me energy and makes me want to do more since it doesn't hurt.

I have been avoiding that damn mop for several days now and spot cleaning instead and spraying Lysol on the floor figuring I'd "Do It Later" or DIL. I'm a wicked DIL'er. I remember a book in the Serendipity series (remember those?) about a girl who put off today and didn't do it tomorrow either and really identifying with her. And however many years later I am still that girl. But every so often I drink a coffee at 1:00pm and get all revved up and go to town on something. Today it was the kitchen. I put my latest acquisition of Third Day into the CD player that I have in my kitchen and cranked it, gave Autumn a buttload of goldfish crackers and raisins, and proceeded with my sweeping/vaccuming/mopping.

You may wonder where I'm going with this or if I've forgotten myself. Me too. Oh yeah EXERCISE!!! LOL There wasn't a Serendipity book about a girl with an attention span of a moth, but there should have been.

So my breaking point is that Autumn had dumped an entire box of Life cereal on the floor and I just had had enough filth. I put her highchair on the other side of the gate and got that floor nice and shiny. When I mop I use a crappy squeezy sponge mop thingy that probably needs a replacement head but I'm too cheap to pay $8 for a freaking long sponge so I keep lysoling the end of it. It doesn't do a very good job of spreading the water thin enough so that it dries quickly and I'm usually locked out of the kitchen for a good hour waiting for it to be walkable. Today I had a new idea that is useful too and makes me want to mop the kitchen every day.

You will need:
3 pack of Microfiber cloths (sold in the car accessory aisle at the Dollar General for $5)
A wet floor
No shame

Now here is my super duper ab work out that gives you the same result as the $19.99 as seen on TV AbRoller!!

Get down on your hands and knees gripping one of the Microfiber cloths (in your hands!).
Place both hands on the cloth on the floor in front of you. Start sliding away from your lower body but keep your knees in place. Pull back in without lifting your hands off the floor. Repeat, pivoting in every direction you can reach. When that section of floor is dry, move on to the next one. When that cloth is soaked grab another one and KEEP GOING!!!! This exercise works your abs, shoulders, back, and procrastinate muscles.

Trouble following the instructions? Here is a snapshot of me doing this exercise, give or take 100ish pounds:

I look hot in this picture don't I??? Give it a shot I promise you will feel the burn ;)

And now I'm off to find all the Serendipity books on Amazon. Wait, what?


  1. Hahahaha!!!! My husband bought a HUGE pack of ShamWow's at Costco about a year ago. My mop broke so now I use those to mop my kitchen and bathroom because I'm too cheap to buy another mop I hate!

  2. Oooh so jealous of the ShamWows!!!! I need to get some of those LOL I hate buying mops, although I may break down and invest in a Magic Eraser mop as I have a white kitchen floor and those things really are magical...:)

  3. I have a Magic Eraser mop and love it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hahaha...great exercise routine. Is no shame really a requirement because I think I still have a bit of that?

  6. LOL well AHPC, it depends on how many curtains you are willing to leave open!!
