Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cod's Well That Ends Well

Autumn gets to be my guinea pig. She wasn't thrilled with the fish but ate an entire roll and a half cup of edamame!

My husband and I went grocery shopping together as we only had 1 child with us. I am sick of eating chicken, cow, pork, or turkey.

We walked past the seafood section and I stopped in my tracks. I forgot about fish!

"Kris, what do you think about Cod? Want to try it?"

Kris shrugs his shoulders. The man behind the fish counter laughs and pulls out a pound of Cod and I then proceed to interrogate him on how to cook it, how do you know when its done? What do you eat with it?

"Its basically like Haddock." he says. Yeah and THAT helps. I pretend I know what he is talking about and when I get home I Google "How to bake Cod".

The recipe that came up that was the closest match to the 5 year old spice collection I have is here. It was delicious and I highly recommend it. If I can do it, you can do it!

Now, the problem is that it calls for both lemon and lime juices. I had seen a bottle of lime juice in my fridge earlier that day. You know, the kind that is cleverly shaped like a lime but is the color of NOTHING nature would ever be capable of producing? I assumed it must be fresh. We all know what assume means.

It also called for Cracked Red Pepper which I miraculously pulled out of the spice rack (that doesn't go bad right?) and Kosher salt. Why does my salt need to be blessed by a Rabbi??? I of course had none so I sent Kris to the DG to see if he could find that and the Onion Salt that I threw out during the last cupboard cleaning.

He came back with Sea Salt (close enough right??) and Onion Powder, which the recipe said you can also use instead of Onion Salt. Kris greased the ceramic baking dish (I had no idea we had one of those) with butter and plopped the fish down in it. I mixed the ingredients together in a bowl and when I got to the lime juice I happened to glance at the bottom of the container. "April 2008" it quietly stated. Crap. Then I look at the recipe and it calls for a clove of garlic, freshly chopped. I figured there must be some garlic left over from the last time I cooked a few weeks ago so I searched the fridge door but to no avail. CRAP. And apparently we do not own any Garlic powder or salt.

Kris brought several odd spice jars to our relationship when he moved in here. There's lots of Mediterranean spices, Greek, and Indian. I usually skim past those when I'm searching for the Cinnamon Sugar. He pulled out the Greek spice mixture and proclaimed that it had BOTH Onion Salt AND Garlic Salt with the added bonus of.....peppermint?? Hoo boy how was that going to taste? Sounded nauseating. I used it anyway. What choice did I have??

We did not mix in the cat food or the Prego, just so ya know ;)

I poured this interesting liquid over the fish. It was quite thick surprisingly, and me being a closet perfectionist had to take a spoon and cover every part of Cod that was showing!

It actually smelled pretty good! We cooked it for 25 minutes at 400 degrees. Seemed excessive to me for fish but I'm not the expert.

It came out PERFECT nice and flaky and tasted heavenly. We served it to ourselves with Wild Mushroom Pilaf and shelled Edamame (I LOVE STEAMBAGS).

Cleanup of the ceramic dish was a snap also. It is important to me to know how long I will need to let something soak before the crud that I usually burn onto it comes off. In this case it slid right off, probably due to Kris' butter coating!

Kris enjoying MY cooking hehehe

I also slept like a baby last night. Not sure if its related, but I thought I would throw that in! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful! I should try to get my family to eat more fish. Any fish at all. I love fish. Of any kind. Mmm.
