Thursday, November 1, 2012

Autumn's 3rd Birthday: Family Party Edition

Since Saturday was such a busy day for me we decided to wait until Sunday afternoon to have Autumn's actual birthday dinner/cake with family.  Aunt Kimmy came over and so did my parents and we had Domino's (her second favorite dinner next to spaghetti, which was why she had an orange chin in Saturday's pictures) and I did my best to make a Hello Kitty cake with the limited resources I had.  I was going to go buy a cake form and do the fancy decorator crap but I just didn't have the money or the time to do all that.

 Sunday morning, playing with her new camera:

Getting the angle lol

 My attempt at Hello Kitty:

The candles burned with pink flame!

Wearing the kitty earrings that G.G. sent her :)

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