Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bowling with Three Year Olds

Today Autumn's preschool went to Spare Time for a bowling field trip!  I was unsure how bowling would go with kids this age, but they all behaved really well!  At first Autumn wanted NOTHING to do with it and wanted to go home.  She hates crowds and loud noises.  I had to un-cling her from my side and then had her "help" me push the ball down the ramp.  I was getting a little frustrated with her at first but I took a deep breath and just relaxed.  Being cooped up inside so much is not good for me.  Makes me irritable!!!

Since the lens I normally would use for this kind of thing is busted, and I forgot to grab my 50mm portrait lens that would have allowed me to use 200 or 400 ISO instead of 1600, these are not the greatest pictures!  Still cute nonetheless :)

Caroline, who shared a lane with us 


Autumn lol

Most of the class.  It was really hard to get a good group shot from my angle.


He wasn't the only one cooling his head off on the blower!  Hysterical!

Another head cooling session

That's Autumn's score on top!  100!  She does better than I ever did!

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