Monday, September 5, 2011

Out Of Touch

We have been internetless for almost 3 weeks now!  I have to write blogs in Notepad and then go to the library or a kind friend's house and post them!

We got rid of the internet because of its cost.  I can't believe how much cable companies charge for "high speed" internet.  We had a great deal with Comcast at first and when that ran out it kept going up every month and was going to top out at 72$ a month!  We have only basic cable which is less than $20 a month.  My husband hasn't had any work at his second job for months now and that really has forced us to cut way back. Thank God that his regular job gives him a free bus pass and that the bus comes to our town and picks up within walking distance.  For the first time in my life I have had to turn down doing things with family and friends due to gasoline prices.  Some would say this builds character or teaches me a life lesson of some sort.  I say its a reflection of the sad times our nation is facing.  Gas will cost $3.65 at 9:00am and $3.72 at the same station 4 hours later.  Someone needs to stop this madness.  The world is going online and we can't afford it!!

The temporary solution with a permanent side effect has been to use the Public Library!  Ours is within walking distance, has free wi-fi, and you can bring your own computer/device to hook up to their unsecured connection.  Of course one has to be careful with that but for checking and writing emails, updating blogs, uploading photos, etc. it is perfect.  My only problem is I can rarely go without Autumn and she is not exactly library material yet.  Plus they are not open on holidays, Sundays, and some evenings they close at 5 instead of 8.  But its better than nothing!  The best part is that I am reading books again!  Haven't done that in years.

There was also another cost for having such easy access internet at home.  I was spending most of my days online and doing the bare minimum of being a SAHM in between Facebook posts and reading news sites.  I personally feel that I wasted much of the summer except the last 2 weeks.  My back hurt daily from sitting in bad positions as I have no good place to use the computer except on the kitchen table or the counter top.  I did not get in very good shape as I had planned because when you are in your 30's and sit on your butt for 80% of the day the weight does not exactly fall off you!  It kind of settles in to squishy parts.  I also barely took any walks and walking has always been something that has defined me.  I try to use the 3 kids as an excuse but most of the time at least one of them was in summer camp...!!

I have a wonderful opportunity to operate my church's website and other online doings.  This means I will need to use the internet!  But in order to avoid falling back into bad habits we are going to do something a little non-traditional.  I am going to purchase a device to use as a wi-fi hotspot.  Verizon has a hotspot that does nothing else but be a hotspot.  There is also a chance for us to get an iPhone which we could tether because we have a discount for a new phone waiting for us...we haven't firmly decided yet.  We can't get either one until mid-September when our finances will have a little more breathing room.  Either way I am excited to be involved in our church in more than just attendance.

Well I am off to read the latest book I got at the library:  In The Plex by Steven Levy.  Its all about how Google was born and raised.  If I can't use the internet I might as well at least read about it!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! We didn't have internet for a month this summer and I had a hard time with it. Mostly because I use the bank website to pay bills. As for comcast, if you call and ask for their specials, they normally give them to you. My sister does that. I say ditch cable and go with netflix! $8 a month!! We only watch netflix so I'm a huge fan of it! I have been reading a lot too this summer. Since we didn't have cable, internet, phone....what else was I to do!!?? I have recently discovered "christian authors". Love them! If you want names let me know!
