Monday, March 15, 2010

Daylight Saving, WTH!!

Like this clock? You can actually buy it hahaha I like it...its a Dali Clock :)

Sorry for the acronymed curse word ( I coulda used worse! ) But MAN oh MAN why do we keep torturing ourselves with this???

My son came home the other day and quizzed me:

"Mom, do we have daylight savings time because A) It helps farmers, B) It reduces crime, C) It helps cops, or D) because of war."

I said "Because of the farmers, of course. Everyone knows that."

Yeah, I'm NOT smarter than a third grader. I get an F on that quiz. The answer is all of the above EXCEPT "A"!! Oh and apparently it helps Trick or Treaters get home before dark. Harumph.

Perhaps it was because I was brought up in a farming community that we were taught this reason? I had never heard of the others.

Here are a few sites to visit if you are interested in learning more about DST and if you want to go find Ben Franklin's grave and give it the finger its located HERE!

Yeah, I think three is enough lol.

Personally I think that we should keep it in the Spring Forward time and say to hell with it. If you feel the same way you can check out this site:

I'm gonna go drink another cup o' coffee...its a 4 banger day I think.

1 comment:

  1. Hysterical--I would have answered A also--mostly because I just saw it on a) CNN b)History Channel c)The Discover Channel, D) the New York Times or E) ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!
