Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Field Trippin'

Yesterday I got to go on my first field trip with my kids' school. We went to the Flynn Theater (of which I have many fond memories from my childhood) to see the Mermaid Theatre's presentation of Eric Carle's Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Mixed-Up Chameleon, and Little Cloud. I LOVE Eric Carle's stories and artwork so I was excited to go actually!

Well let me tell YOU it was beyond what I expected! Black Light Puppetry is what they performed, and the hippie in me was like a kid at Christmas!!! Except for the little girl who sat behind me alternating between crying for her daddy (who was sitting a few rows down) and laughing like a seal in my EAR it was extremely enjoyable. Unlike anything I've ever seen before. I wish I could go watch it again it was so cool!! I brought Autumn with me (as I have no choice lol) and she actually watched the first 10 minutes or so and then nursed and passed out for the rest of the show...well, until the girl next to me bumped her head with her elbow anyway. Let me tell you that the Flynn's seats are NOT conducive to nursing a giant baby while sandwiched between various little girls jumping and clapping.

What I thought was the best was that there are only 3 people who put on this show and they work in such harmony together that you have NO idea what they are doing or how they are doing it or that they are even there! They wear all black (even face masks made of black hosiery) and turn the lights way down, and then they are basically standing right in front of you with these puppets and you can't even see them. The colors are so bright and mesmerizing and the motion so fluid that you have to wonder if there isn't some kind of mechanism they are using. They anticipate this reaction, as the last 15 minutes or so involves them turning the lights up and explaining the entire process (which kind of ruined the magic but whatever). They let the kids ask a few questions as well.

I highly recommend going to this if it comes to your area. Their website is Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia

And no, I didn't bring my camera in dangit!! I didn't know if they would allow it and my camera is precious to me right now so I didnt want to chance leaving it with someone if not. BUT I totally could have brought it so now I'm kicking myself for not at least bringing the point and shoot!!!!


  1. Evalina said that the Mixed-Up Chameleon gave her a kiss! I guess she was in or near the front.

    (And she said everyone told her to be quiet. Imagine that)

  2. Aww! They said it was a "shush free" play so no one should have told her to be quiet!!!!
