Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer Vacation Weekend Edition Vol 2

Saturday was birthday party day.  I brought Alex to one at 1:00 and sadly he was the only kid that showed up.  I think summer birthday can really stink if you are relying on inviting kids from your class that you aren't friends with outside of school.  Alex RSVP'd himself, went to the Dollar General, set himself a limit on how much he was going to spend, and actually stuck with it!  So hard for me to let him make his own decisions but I am keeping my mouth shut.  I want him to be the opposite of me!!  I get anxiety calling people I don't know, and I always spend too much on gifts because I don't want to let someone down if they expected something great, etc.  

After the party the older kids went with their Aunt to go roller skating.  Both kids have them now and I was a total carpet wall clinger when I used to try to skate at Skateland back in the 80's and early 90's so thank GOD there are other adults around to get them into this fun sport.  I have a wonky foot so it makes it near impossible to do anything that involves balancing with my feet.  

Saturday night I went to a movie.  This is not a movie I normally would have chosen to see but I was going with a group of girls and really wasn't sure what I was in for.  We saw Magic Mike.  Holy crap.  That is all.

Sunday we went to my parents' house and my mom had the most genius Idea.  Her Idea was to make a list of crap you can find outside around their house and give a copy to each kid and tell them its a photo scavenger hunt.  That means they each have to take their cameras and get a semi-clear photo of each item.  It kept them busy for a solid 40 minutes!  

This coming week is the 4th of July week.  At least there is plenty to do for several of the days.

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