Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Vacation Diary: Day 4

Today was Alicia's birthday party.  Her actual birthday is next Wednesday but she specifically picked today for her party.  Not sure why but why argue during summer vacation!

Now, if I had been smart, I would have made her cake 2 days ago and frozen it or at least refrigerated it in preparation for dealing with the mini heatwave that we all knew was coming.  However I do not work like that.  Therefore at 9:00am there I was, in 85F heat, with the oven set to 350 trying to make the cake as fast as I could.  Then I was impatient trying to get it out of the pan (which said non-stick but it LIED!!) so of course it cracked in half.  And not exactly in half either.  That's why I bought 2 cans of frosting.  One to frost the cake, and one to glue it together!

The finished product:  hey, it tasted good.

Today's highlights:

  • If you didn't think it could get any freaking hotter than yesterday, you were wrong.
  • Driving 6 kids in a minivan for 15 minutes with zero air conditioning and only front seat windows in 92 degrees.
  • Finding out a state park punch card is one punch per person, not per vehicle.  Ugh.  At least it saved me a few dollars.  Also, the library's state park pass is unfortunately more famous than I had hoped it was. 
  • 3.5 hours at the beach with a zillion kids there, trying to keep track of my own kids, and feeling my heart stop everytime I couldn't find one right off.  My friend brought her daycare on a field trip to join us and she was dizzy by the time we were ready to leave.  The kids all had so much fun though so it was worth it.
  • Driving back home with 5 kids in the hot minivan.  The three girls in the back, all under age 8, were enthralled with a dude on a crotch rocket who was driving up my butt most of the way, thinking he was watching them and wanted to be their boyfriend.  Then when he blew past us and two other cars when a car was coming towards him (of course, to show how cool he was to these girls) they screeched with glee and couldn't stop laughing for about 15 minutes.  Oh, to be a young girl again.  
  • The biggest highlight of the day:  stepping into my friend's air conditioned house and getting to breathe. 
Beach photos:

Tomorrow:  Alex is having a friend over, but other than that NO PLANS!  At least, I don't think so.  I could totally be forgetting something important.

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