Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Vacation Diary Day 9

A mostly quiet day.

  • Got up early like I wanted to at 5:15am and took a walk.  It was a nice walk and it came back to me why I used to do that every day.  Because its nice!!!  
  • Took a shower before 7am.  Earth shattering, but slowly becoming a common occurrence! 
  • Saw coolest rainbow ever at 7:11am, and took pictures of it.
  • Autumn slept until 9:30am which totally threw my day off but oh well. 
  • Picked up a butterfly pavilion that my friend grabbed for me at Goodwill.  Can't wait to catch some caterpillars!
  • Went to my parents' house and weeded for an hour.  My garden is actually coming along!  My corn is knee high to a fisher cat!  Might get some mini cobs off it one day.  
  • Went to waterfront to watch sunset with Kris and Autumn.  Was amazing, got amazing pics, the end. 
Wait, where is all the whining and desire to slam my head into a brick wall?  OHHHH the kids went to their Dad's for two days!  They are most certainly having much more fun over there.  He has a yard and a pool.  I am very happy for them all.  I'm hoping when they come back that they will have gotten whatever it was out of their systems. 

Pics from today:

Huge rainbow at sunrise

Me and my favorite book and my other baby

Autumn trying to shake a seagull off a lamp post.  She wanted to step on it and it just wasn't cooperating!

Salsify puff at sunset.  These look like giant dandelion puffs but they are not! :)

Autumn on the fishing pier

Probably the prettiest sunset photo I have ever taken so far.

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