Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Vacation Diary Days 6-8

Yes, I skipped a few days there.  Trust me: those entries would have been full of nothing but wah wah wah.

I will sum up Saturday through Wednesday here:

  • Saturday morning:  Kris' bike was stolen off our front porch.  I got up at some ungodly hour, like 7:15am or something, and when I went out to take my walk I was first floored by how clean the front porch looked.  Then I remembered, I certainly didn't clean it!  One thing led to another and then I realized what had happened.  First our mail, now his bike.  Poo.
  • Sunday: Woke up with such a stiff neck that I had to have Kris teach Sunday School at church because I was about as friendly as a cat getting it's temperature taken.  Advil wasn't helping so I just wanted to sit in the back and relax.  
  • We went to my parents' house and I tried to weed my garden but the dang horsefly up there I SWEAR it waits for me!!  Blargh!  I dealt with it as long as I could.  Garden is actually growing which is shocking to me since I'm not doing anything right.  Maybe my Dad is secretly going up there and doing stuff to it that you are supposed to do when I'm not around?
  • Monday:  Oh boy its raining.  That means I don't have to worry about watering my garden (its 20 min away from my house), but also means I get to hear "I'm bored" and "Can we play Wii all day?" It held off in the afternoon for a while so I took them all to the waterfront to walk around and go to the play ground.  Someone looked at Alicia sideways and she started crying and was then miserable the rest of the time.  We picked up Kris after waiting 25 min in traffic to go about 1.5 miles (I HATE DOWNTOWN DRIVING) and the kids wanted ice cream.  First we were going to get creemees, then McDonald's ice cream, then it devolved into going to the Dollar General and getting popsicles.  Hey when you are broke you gotta do what you gotta do.  Alicia was pissed.
  • Tuesday:  Raining still.  Kids would sit on couch all day long glued to whatever screen they have in front of them if I let them.  I did do some water color painting with Alicia.  I forgot how fun that is.  Might have to do that again sometime when the kids aren't around.  Had a dentist appointment that left my gums feeling miserable even though the hygienist said I "only bled a little".  Pretty sure when you can taste the iron in your blood that it is not a little.  Blech.  
  • Wednesday:  Alicia's 8th birthday.  I wish I could say it was awesome but by 8:30am she declared it was the worst birthday ever because Autumn sat on her and wouldn't get up.  Proceeded to cry for 15 minutes.  I ended up crying because I felt like the worst mom ever seeing that I cannot seem to make these kids happy no matter what I do and I'm starting to lose interest in trying.  I never cry in front of them so it freaked Alicia out enough that she stopped crying and turned to comforting me.  Might have to use that one again, sparingly.  
  • Signed the two older kids up for Wednesday summer camp at Milton Rec.  They go do something not boring for 4 hours every Wednesday afternoon and I get to clean the house.  Or think about cleaning it.  When they got back they went with their Dad and Aunt to see "Brave" and are staying with him till Friday.
  • While lying on my bed sinking into depression and wishing something would happen to pull me back up I got a phone call from my best friend asking if I wanted to ride along with her to Underhill.  Hellllllllls yeah I did!  I suddenly had some energy and jumped up off'n my Tempurpedic and ran down the stairs.  Finally human contact with someone who wasn't bored!!!  
All in all its been a pretty crappy week, but I'm determined to turn it around.  What's getting me down most is the fact that my main form of exercise/entertainment is to walk around Milton, and because of several different construction projects I am unable to access many of my routes on foot especially with the kids.  Too dangerous.  I have to go 2 miles out of my way to get to the picnic area/river bank that I like to go to, and walking with three kids that is just too much.  Therefore I am just going to have to get my sorry butt out of bed early and go for a walk before it starts.

Pictures from the past few days:

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