Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Vacation Diary Day 5

Today's highlights:

  • Alex had a friend over at 8am (no problem since the construction rarely lets me sleep past 7am).  Not even close to as hot as it was the previous two days.  They played with their DS's and Wii happily. 
  • Went to bathroom, came out, and 2 more children were in my house!  My daughter, who had been with her dad, and their 10 yr old cousin, who has the same name as the boy that was already over!  
  • I started a real SmugMug acount in hopes of selling some of my photos without having to do the hardest part: print and mail!  They do it for you!  Here's hoping.
  • I decided to get some things done while the kids were occupied with each other.  I needed to mail out two checks for our condo association, of which I am now treasurer.  I had one all set to go but was waiting on an address for the other one.  I put the first one in the mail just to make sure that I did it.  It was about 9:00am.  When I got the other one all set about an hour later I went out to the mail box and when I opened it I did not see the first envelope in there.  Mail comes at 2pm so this was a head scratcher.  I shrugged my shoulders assuming that mail had come early for the first time in 8 years.  I put the new envelope in the mailbox and went inside, completely forgetting about it 5 seconds later.
  • About an hour from that time there was a knock on my door.  "There's a hairy shirtless guy out there mom!" one kid says.  Yay.  OF course they open the door before I can even get to it so I have to deal with it.  Luckily its one of my neighbors.  "This yours?" he says, holding the first check I had written, no envelope just the check.  "Why, yes, yes it is!  How on earth did you get it??" I said, completely confused.  Its not in my nature to assume the worst of most situations, unless they involve complete silence from wherever the children are. "Little girl out back went to each of our mailboxes and took out the mail and opened it.  Her mom found it and made her bring them back.  She came to my house first and asked me to give it to you."  Wow.  What?? That girl is 9 years old if its the one I think it is.  The hairy shirtless guy has no kids so he had no clue which of the three little girls that live behind us it might be.  The one that lives closest to us just moved here from Burlington and we have never had a problem before she lived there so I am assuming its her.  I could be wrong.  What really grinds my gears is that I am now out two stamps, since she didn't bring the first one back.  Ugh.
  • When I was left with just one child, the 2 year old, I decided to go to the Waterfront in Burlington since I had not been there for a bit.  Perfect temps, beautiful clouds, and amazing sunset.  Here are a few pics:

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